Knockout Observable In Expression

Given this Knockout ViewModel

function MyViewModel() {
    var self = this;
    this.SomeBooleanObservable = ko.observable(true);
    this.SomeIntObservable = ko.observable(3);

If you want to use the observable as it is in HTML, do this

    <p data-bind="visible: SomeBooleanObservable">Standard Data Bind</li>
    <!-- ko if: SomeBooleanObservable -->
    <p>Containerless Control Syntax Flow</p>
    <!-- /ko -->

but if you need to use JS expression in HTML, prepend () to observable to get it work

    <!-- This wont work, and will fail silently -->
    <!-- ko if: SomeBooleanObservable == true -->
    <p>Containerless Control Syntax Flow</p>
    <!-- /ko -->
    <!-- This will work -->
    <p data-bind="visible: SomeBooleanObservable() == false">Standard Data Bind</li>
    <!-- ko if: SomeBooleanObservable() == true -->
    <p>Containerless Control Syntax Flow</p>
    <!-- /ko -->
    <!-- ko if: SomeIntObservable() >= 2.5 -->
    <p>SomeIntObservable is equal or more than 2.5</p>
    <!-- /ko -->

Knockout documentation on binding syntax